Which for whom?
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Which for whom? --> Office
Hearing protection for work places

Noise at your work place can be really painful and can influence concentration and well being.

If you use hearing protection in an open office it is important that the absorption is not too high so that you can still communicate.

In this case we recommend so called HiFi plugs (e.g. UltraTech or MusicSafe SonicSet Pro). These plugs absorb sound moderately about 20 dB and enable best speech comprehension. Because of inbuilt filters the ear is well ventilated even if you use the plugs for a long time.

eQuiet is optimized for reducing the dangerous high frequencies much more than low frequencies.

New and with incredible outlooks: Jazz provides good protection with a practical band for breaks. It is a trendy hearing protection with a really cool design.

If you need high absorption and you won't wear your hearing protection longer than 2 hours in a row, we recommend rubber foam plugs. Here it is important that you select plugs with very soft material. The softest plugs at the moment are: ColorPlux & Bilsom 303.

New and very inconspicuous: Ohropax Soft in the color of your skin.




Jazz with Band



MusicSafe SonicSet Pro

MusicSafe SonicSet Pro



ColorPlux Ohropax Soft

Ohropax Soft

Bilsom 303

Bilsom 303