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Which for whom? --> Formula 1, DTM & Co.
Hearing protection for the racetrack

Racetracks are extremely noisy: motor sounds can reach - depending on the distance - up to 130 dB and more. Even when you sit on the tribune it can still be 100 dB. And all this over a whole day or a whole race weekend.

MotoSafe II is especially suitable for visitors of motor sports events (e.g. Formula 1) and it is reusable. These plugs are very soft, offer a good sound quality and ventilation and come with two different pairs of filters. Important: You can wear them for a long time without getting closure effects or dents. And: Since it comes with two filters you can face almost every acoustical situation.

Moreover we recommend: Bilsom 303, ColorPlux and Ohropax Soft. Plugs that fit very deeply in your ear. Mack's Plugs are made of a soft special-silicone. MultiPlux are reusable.


Information: If you want to know more about "volume" and "noise" we recommend our special page.

MotoSafe II

MotoSafe II

Bilsom 303

Bilsom 303

Mack's Plugs

Mack's Plugs



Ohropax Soft

Ohropax Soft

